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There are plenty of steps to take in getting ready for plastic surgery. The first, and most important, is finding a good surgeon who sees eye to eye with his or her patients. Finding a trustworthy provider is very important for any elective medical procedure. But one of the biggest determiners for the success of any surgery is actually the patient. That’s right, the way the patient behaves in the recovery phase can have a big impact on the final results of the surgery.


There are several things a patient can do to maximize their chances of a favorable result. The first thing to do is to listen to the aftercare instructions the surgeon has provided. Ask questions as they arise, but don’t try to flout the “rules” of recovery too much. Post-surgical recovery is never much fun. It can be hard to sit still when working out, dancing and other activities are beckoning. But too much movement can lead to complications. Honor the instructions that come from the surgeon.


Make sure to understand the post-operative care requirements. Has the surgeon suggested that an additional caregiver is necessary? Has he or she laid ground rules about what chores will be prohibited during the recovery phase? It’s important to know the limits on behavior in the first week or two after surgery. It may be necessary for patients with active pets, small children or elderly parents to arrange for additional helpers during the post-surgery phase. Remember, it’s important to get rest when healing from an operation. Any surgery is serious business.


Finally, like the Scouts always said, be prepared. Arrange a recovery room in the home before leaving for surgery. Think about the location carefully. A ground floor is usually a better location than a second story or a basement. Make sure that there’s a bed or recliner in the recovery space. It’s also a good idea to have some food prepared for the next day or so. The surgeon and his or her staff will be a good source of recommendations for food post-surgery. Sometimes, the recommendation will be for light fare. Other times, they may recommend foods that are high in protein or foods that meet other dietary requirements.